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Caesarea Church: Mansfield, Ohio Album  Play album slideshow


This Album is of 18 35MM Slides from events of the Caesarea Church in Mansfield, Ohio. These 35MM Slides were taken in 1950's & 1960's by George Ernest Knight. These 35MM Slides include pictures from father-son & mother-daughter banquets; family field trips; summer campers & breaking ground for a new church building.

16 files, last one added on Jul 28, 2023
Album viewed 21 times

Eisenhower, (Dwight D.) Slide Album  Play album slideshow



This was Donated to Family Treasures Found by Lynn Sochurek Ammirato.

This has been Donated to Dwight D. Eisenhower Museum.

This is a Collection of Slides on the Dwight D. Eisenhower Funeral in April 1969.

7 files, last one added on Mar 21, 2024
Album viewed 15 times

Uncles Collection of 35MM Slides, Long Island, New York Album #1  Play album slideshow


This is a Huge Collection of 35MM Slides that Member Lynn Sochurek Ammirato has obtained & donated.

This collection was given to her from someone she didn't know that wanted to find a home for these. This person shared with Lynn that this is the info they got from the man whose Uncle owned the slides. The Uncle was from Long Island. "Good Morning, So these were my uncles. My cousin said he used to place an ad in his local newspaper looking for slides, because his interest was collecting old pictures. He would convert them and put on a CD for people, and then just keep the slides."

119 files, last one added on Aug 14, 2023
Album viewed 39 times

Uncles Collection of 35MM Slides, Long Island, New York Album #2  Play album slideshow

This is a Huge Collection of 35MM Slides that Member Lynn Sochurek Ammirato has obtained & donated.

This collection was given to her from someone she didn't know that wanted to find a home for these. This person shared with Lynn that this is the info they got from the man whose Uncle owned the slides. The Uncle was from Long Island. "Good Morning, So these were my uncles. My cousin said he used to place an ad in his local newspaper looking for slides, because his interest was collecting old pictures. He would convert them and put on a CD for people, and then just keep the slides."

0 files
Album viewed 0 times

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